7 – The Ministry Bearing the Mark of Death and Resurrection (8)


Walking in the same spirit and in the same steps with Brother Nee (2 Cor. 12:18), Brother Lee wrote the following hymn, which reveals that it is only through the work of the cross that the resurrection life is experienced by us and is poured from us into others. 

  1. If I’d know Christ’s risen power,
    I must ever love the Cross;
    Life from death alone arise;
    There’s no gain except by loss.
        If no death, no life,
        If no death, no life;
        Life from death alone arises;
        If no death, no life.
  2. If I’d have Christ formed within me,
    I must breathe my final breath,
    Live within the Cross’s shadow,
    Put my soul-life e’er to death.
  3. If God thru th’ Eternal Spirit
    Nail me ever with the Lord;
    Only then as death is working
    Will His life thru me be poured.

(Hymns, # 631)

Brother Lee also wrote the following hymn, which unveils that it is only through the death of the cross that Christ as the resurrection life not only shows its infinite power but also grows and multiplies:

  1. Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
    The life of God eternal manifest;
    ‘Tis uncreated, indestructible,
    ‘Tis Christ Himself, unconqu’rable, expressed.
  2. Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
    Though all its force against it may combine;
    Death only gives it opportunity
    To show the boundless pow’r of life divine.
  3. Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
    The more interred, the more it multiplies;
    All kinds of suff’ring only help it grow
    And fruits of life abundant realize.
  4. Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
    Thru every block and barrier it breaks;
    Conqu’ring the pow’r of darkness and of hell,
    It swallows death and victory partakes.
  5. Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
    All of God’s fulness it will manifest;
    God’s righteousness and holiness it yields,
    His glorious image by it is expressed.
  6. Oh, may I know this resurrection life,
    In every kind of death its pow’r outpoured,
    In my experience ever realize
    This life is nought but Christ my living Lord.

(Hymns, # 639)

These hymns confirm that to the ministers in the Lord’s recovery, the death and resurrection of Christ were not just factual historical events but also a constant subjective spiritual reality that they daily experienced for the ministry of life to the members of the Body of Christ. Further, these hymns attest that the ministers in the Lord’s recovery were much more than expositors of the Bible; they were grains of wheat who died to themselves to impart the divine life to us in resurrection for the building up of the Body of Christ.

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