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Shepherding Words
From the co-workers in the Lord’s recovery in North America
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Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (3): ¿Era la iglesia en Jerusalén una iglesia 'regional'?
Sobre la identidad de género y la orientación sexual
Respecto a los límites de una iglesia local
Mantener el matrimonio en honor
La relación entre Living Stream Ministry y las iglesias locales
La relación de Living Stream Ministry con el ministerio y la obra
La manera apropiada de tratar con los problemas en las iglesias
La actitud de un cristiano hacia el gobierno y la politica
El papel crucial de las hermanas en la vida de la iglesia
El liderazgo en el recobro del Señor, parte 3: Aplicar el modelo bíblico de liderazgo
El liderazgo en el recobro del Señor, parte 2 - El modelo biblico de liderazgo
El liderazgo en el recobro del Señor, parte 1: El concepto del Señor respecto al liderazgo frente al concepto del hombre
Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (6): El terreno de la iglesia es para la edificación del Cuerpo de Cristo
Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (5): La elección de Dios, frente a hacer lo que es recto a nuestros propios ojos
Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (4): Son bíblicas las 'iglesias en las casas'
Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (2): Mantener diligentemente la unidad que requiere el terreno local
Asaltando el terreno de la unidad (1): El terreno genuino de la iglesia según la enseñanza y la práctica del Nuevo Testamento
Encountering Opposition
Why We Read and Promote the Ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
A Warning about Rumors and False Witness
Concerning Campus Work
Concerning Inoculation - "We Told You Beforehand"
Israel in God's Economy (1) – An Introduction
Israel in God's Economy (2) - God's Calling, His Promises, and His Faithfulness
Israel in God's Economy (3) – God's Way of Dealing with Israel and the Nations and Its Issue
Israel In God's Economy (4) – Israel and God's Economy in the Present Age
Israel in God's Economy (5) – The Main Prophecies concerning Israel before the Lord's Coming
Israel in God's Economy (6) - Israel in the End Times, the Millennium, and Eternity Future
Israel in God's Economy (7) - Our Attitude
Love—The Basis and Power of Authority
The Source of Authority—The Lord's Presence
Christ, the Cross, and the Church
Holding Marriage in Honor
Restoring Fellowship in the Body of Christ
The Kind of Person the Lord Can Use to Turn the Age
"Let Your Speech Be Always with Grace, Seasoned with Salt"
Genuine Ministers of the New Covenant
When Problems Arise in the Local Churches: Avoiding Two Errors
The Crucial Role of the Sisters in the Church Life
Caring for Both the Headship of Christ and the Fellowship of the Body
The Relationship of Living Stream Ministry to the Ministry and the Work
No Thought of Independence in the Bible
Genuine Local Churches, Part 1 - Neither Autonomous nor Independent
Genuine Local Churches, Part 2 - Following the Teaching and Leading of the Apostles
Being Faithful to Our Brothers’ Complete Ministry Concerning the Practice of the Church (1)
Being Faithful to Our Brothers' Complete Ministry Concerning the Practice of the Church (2)
On 'Independent' Administration
Coming to the Lord’s Table
A Historical Sketch of the Ministry's Teaching on the Practice of the Church and Its Administration
Concerning Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Leadership in the Lord's Recovery, Part 1: The Lord’s Concept of Leadership versus Man’s Concept
Leadership in the Lord's Recovery, Part 2: The Biblical Pattern of Leadership
Leadership in the Lord's Recovery, Part 3: Applying the Biblical Pattern of Leadership
Concerning the Boundary of a Local Church
The Elders Avoiding Entanglement in Right and Wrong
Serious Errors Made Concerning the Fellowship among the Co-workers
Receiving All Believers but Not Different Teachings
Defense & Confirmation Project (DCP)
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (7): The Identifying Characteristics of a Genuine Local Church and the Forbidden Grounds of Division According to the Scriptures
"Stealing" Meeting Halls?
Quenching the Flaming Darts of the Enemy
Properly Representing the Lord in the Exercise of Discipline
Authority and Fellowship
Obsession and Subjectivity
Magnifying Christ in the Midst of Turmoil
A Balanced View of the Elders' Authority
Should We Not Warn One Another?
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (5): God’s Choice versus Doing What Is Right in Our Own Eyes
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (6): The Ground of the Church Being for the Building Up of the Body of Christ
Being Safeguarded by the Discernment in the Body
A Harmonious Coordination between Generations to Advance God’s Move
Our Basic Choice
Hiding History?
Forgiveness and the Building Up of the Body of Christ
Facts Concerning Three Libel Lawsuits
Lawsuits and the Scriptures
Are the Local Churches Litigious?
God's Economy, Different Teaching, and the Central Line of the Bible
Preserving Human Life
Reading Only the "Pure Word" - A Dangerous and Unbiblical Notion
The Ongoing Relationship between the Apostles and the Local Churches
Selected Ministry on the Apostles' Ongoing Role in Established Churches
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (1): The Genuine Ground of the Church According to the Teaching and Practice of the New Testament
The Relationship between Living Stream Ministry and the Local Churches
Three Foundational Truths and Why They Matter
Our Attitude toward Ecumenism
Our Attitude toward Other Christians and Their Work, Part 1: Maintaining the Oneness with Fellow Believers
Our Attitude toward Other Christians and Their Work, Part 2: The Vision of the Lord's Recovery Being Contrary to Today's Christianity
Our Attitude toward Other Christians and Their Work, Part 3: Not Entangling the Work of the Lord’s Recovery with Others’ Work
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (2): Diligently Keeping the Oneness Requiring a Local Ground
God's Government and God's Grace
Concerning Allegorizing the Bible
Being Overcomers with a Vision, Not Idealists with a Dream
Dispensational Discipline
Psalms, James, and the Divine Inspiration of the Bible
Words That Spread Death and How to Stop Them
Questions versus Questionings
Questions and Answers about Apostles and Co-workers
Twisting Ron Kangas's Words
Concerning Turmoils
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (4): Are "House Churches" Biblical?
Assailing the Ground of Oneness (3): Was the Church in Jerusalem a Regional Church?
A Christian's Attitude toward Reforming Society
A Christian's Attitude toward Government and Politics
The One Unique New Testament Ministry
Were Max Rapoport and John Ingalls "Forced Out"?
Covering, Not Covering Up
Handling Allegations of Abuse
Does the Ministry Replace the Bible?
Concerning the Church of Almighty God/Eastern Lightning
Following the Vision or Following a Man
Our Attitude toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help
The Proper Way to Deal with Problems in the Church
Concerning Hierarchy and Organization
A Response from the Church in Houston
Spiritual Authority and Its Misuse
A Specious Claim of Racism
Some Questions and Answers Regarding Deputy Authority
Concerning Having One Publication Work
Concerning the Ministry's Attitude toward Sisters
The Minister of the Age, Not Infallibility
Facts Concerning Daystar Motor Homes
Facts Concerning Statements Attributed to Max Rapoport
Facts Concerning Lily Hsu