Knowing the Function of the Ministry

The ministry of the new covenant is a crucial factor in the building up of the churches as the Body of Christ as evidenced by the gifts to the Body in Ephesians 4:11-12 and “the joints of the rich supply” in verse 16. As believers we need to see:

    • Christ (Matt. 16:16),
    • the church, the Body of Christ (v. 18), and
    • the ministry through which the Lord builds up His Body.

The following articles look at the ministry of the new covenant and some of the ways Satan would use to cut us off from the rich supply the Lord affords through it.

Based on the New Testament, Witness Lee taught that there is only one unique ministry. Some have twisted his teaching to slanderously claim that Witness Lee was referring to his own ministry. This … Continue reading The One Unique New Testament Ministry

How should a believer evaluate whether the ministry in the Lord’s recovery—that is, the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and their co-workers who have continued to minister on the same line—or … Continue reading Genuine Ministers of the New Covenant

The churches in the New Testament were established by and continued in the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42). The apostles’ teaching brought them into the apostles’ fellowship, which was the unique fellowship of the … Continue reading Concerning Having One Publication Work

Some have asserted that the saints in the Lord’s recovery merely follow men—Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee—rather than God. This claim denigrates the saints, who are said to exalt Brother Lee above … Continue reading Following the Vision or Following a Man

The term the minister of the age in reference to Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee does not imply that we hold them to be infallible. Rather, it means that we acknowledge them … Continue reading The Minister of the Age, Not Infallibility

Some falsely claim that the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee has replaced the Bible in the local churches. In making this claim, they set the ministry against the Bible, the Word … Continue reading Does the Ministry Replace the Bible?