Correcting Factual Errors Regarding Our History

Over the years a number of rumors and misrepresentations have been propagated concerning the local churches. Some of these are still in circulation today, even though they have no substantive factual basis. The following articles examine some of these rumors and provide fact-based rebuttals to the accusations that they contain.

Recently, a former co-worker accused the North American co-workers of drifting toward organization and hierarchy by allegedly giving serious consideration to centralizing ownership of the local churches’ meeting halls. This is a gross … Continue reading Serious Errors Made Concerning the Fellowship among the Co-workers

Some dear saints have been influenced by malicious claims that Living Stream Ministry (LSM), the Defense and Confirmation Project (DCP), or the co-workers “stole” meeting halls by suing churches. Neither LSM, nor DCP, … Continue reading “Stealing” Meeting Halls?

The church in Houston has issued a statement to correct factual errors and misrepresentations that have recently arisen concerning an event that occurred there: THE CHURCH IN HOUSTON September 10, 2019 On behalf … Continue reading A Response from the Church in Houston

Some with cursory knowledge have wrongly associated The Church of Almighty God (CAG), commonly known as Eastern Lightning, with the local churches and the ministry of Witness Lee. This misunderstanding derives from ignorance … Continue reading Concerning the Church of Almighty God/Eastern Lightning

In recent years a myth has been spread on the Internet that the leadership in the Lord’s recovery has systematically concealed the “real” history of the local churches. Lacking firsthand knowledge of the … Continue reading Hiding History?

A few irresponsible individuals have recently brandished, as “proof” that the local churches are litigious, a discredited list of organizations purportedly sued or threatened with lawsuits for criticizing the local churches. The charge … Continue reading Are the Local Churches Litigious?

Many saints do not know the story behind the libel lawsuits filed in 1980 and 2001, and some may be troubled because they do not know the facts surrounding those actions. The following … Continue reading Facts Concerning Three Libel Lawsuits

On three occasions, twice in 1980 and once in 2001, some of the local churches and others filed lawsuits to obtain relief from defamatory writings, all coming from the same source but disseminated … Continue reading Lawsuits and the Scriptures

Max Rapoport, an elder in the church in Anaheim, walked out of a meeting on August 13, 1978, and never returned. Although he had been informed six months earlier that Rapoport was attempting … Continue reading Facts Concerning Statements Attributed to Max Rapoport

A small but persistent group has propagated a false narrative that leading brothers who brought “concerns” to Brother Lee in the 1970s and 1980s were subsequently forced out of the Lord’s recovery for … Continue reading Were Max Rapoport and John Ingalls “Forced Out”?

Daystar Motor Homes was established in January 1972 to generate funds to support full-time workers and build church meeting halls. Throughout the United States and overseas many were seeking help in practicing the … Continue reading Facts Concerning Daystar Motor Homes

Readers of a self-published book by Lily Hsu that accuses Watchman Nee of immoral activities should know the story behind the book. Lily Hsu was a new serving one among the young people … Continue reading Facts Concerning Lily Hsu