The Apostle Paul’s ministry shows us Christ as the center of God’s economy, the cross as the center of God’s operation in His economy, and the church, the Body of Christ, as the … Continue reading Christ, the Cross, and the Church

When problems arise in the local churches, there is a tendency among some to ask, “If this ministry and the local churches are really a recovery of the Lord, how could such things … Continue reading When Problems Arise in the Local Churches: Avoiding Two Errors

  The Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread, and having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is My body, which is given for you; this … Continue reading Coming to the Lord’s Table

The elders in a local church must deal with all kinds of issues, including complicated situations involving the saints. A great temptation the elders face is becoming entangled in determinations of right and … Continue reading The Elders Avoiding Entanglement in Right and Wrong

The book of Philippians shows us the great need that believers have in times of turmoil. The church in Philippi was a very good church that participated with the apostle Paul in the … Continue reading Magnifying Christ in the Midst of Turmoil

Those who bear responsibility in the ministry, the work, and the churches in the Lord’s recovery have a biblically mandated responsibility to protect the flock (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Pet. 5:2; Titus 1:9). In … Continue reading Being Safeguarded by the Discernment in the Body

In recent years a myth has been spread on the Internet that the leadership in the Lord’s recovery has systematically concealed the “real” history of the local churches. Lacking firsthand knowledge of the … Continue reading Hiding History?

As the Lord’s lovers who seek to practice the church life according the way revealed by God in the New Testament, we should be people of vision, not idealists. The apostle Paul was … Continue reading Being Overcomers with a Vision, Not Idealists with a Dream

In the Bible the words of three parties—God, Satan, and man—are very significant. As the Word of God, the Bible speaks forth God’s person, intent, and work. By His word He framed the … Continue reading Words That Spread Death and How to Stop Them

Some saints are troubled when turmoils happen. They feel that if the local churches are part of God’s move today and under His blessing, such things should not occur. This view, however, does … Continue reading Concerning Turmoils

A small but persistent group has propagated a false narrative that leading brothers who brought “concerns” to Brother Lee in the 1970s and 1980s were subsequently forced out of the Lord’s recovery for … Continue reading Were Max Rapoport and John Ingalls “Forced Out”?

By misrepresenting Witness Lee’s teaching concerning Noah and his three sons, some have falsely claimed that he justified covering up gross sins, particularly if the sinning one occupies a position of authority. Any … Continue reading Covering, Not Covering Up