Problems and Turmoils in the Church

(See also Living in and for the Body)

We may think that the church is a place that should be free of problems. On the one hand, the church is the Body and Bride of Christ and, from this point of view, the church is glorious (Eph. 5:27). On the other hand, each of the churches is a collection of fallen human beings, redeemed by the blood of Christ and in the process of being transformed into His image (2 Cor. 3:18). Problems, some of them quite serious, arise out of that fallen nature and can create turmoils in the churches. These problems and turmoils become tests to us. The articles below give some guidance to facing and responding to problems and turmoils in the church.

Some saints are troubled when turmoils happen. They feel that if the local churches are part of God’s move today and under His blessing, such things should not occur. This view, however, does … Continue reading Concerning Turmoils

As the Lord’s lovers who seek to practice the church life according the way revealed by God in the New Testament, we should be people of vision, not idealists. The apostle Paul was … Continue reading Being Overcomers with a Vision, Not Idealists with a Dream

When problems arise in the local churches, there is a tendency among some to ask, “If this ministry and the local churches are really a recovery of the Lord, how could such things … Continue reading When Problems Arise in the Local Churches: Avoiding Two Errors

Developing, updating, and implementing policies to handle a variety of issues, including deterrence strategies and response practices related to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse or harassment, has been an ongoing process among the … Continue reading Handling Allegations of Abuse

By misrepresenting Witness Lee’s teaching concerning Noah and his three sons, some have falsely claimed that he justified covering up gross sins, particularly if the sinning one occupies a position of authority. Any … Continue reading Covering, Not Covering Up

Obsession In the 1930s Brother Watchman Nee gave a word concerning “Obsession and God’s Light” (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee [CWWN], Vol. 36: Central Messages, 257-271). His speaking should help us discern … Continue reading Obsession and Subjectivity